Discipleship Pathway Assessment

Finding the Transformational Sweet Spot

The Transformational Sweet Spot (TSS) is the synergy of truth, posture, and leaders that helps a disciple see Christ as the only God worthy of worship.

The Transformational Sweet Spot occurs when healthy leaders give truth to a disciple who is in a vulnerable posture.

Think about your intense seasons of spiritual growth. Were you in a vulnerable posture? Did your heart encounter the truth of God? Was someone there alongside you to apply truth to your heart or walk with you through the challenging season?

Think of the seasons when you became stagnant in your faith. Did you lose your vulnerability and dependence on God? Were you no longer allowing the truth of God to challenge your heart? If you would like to help your small group or class mature as disciples, you can pick up the Transformational Discipleship book by Kelley, Geiger and Nation. Transformational Discipleship

Also, while you are here, consider having them take the Transformational Discipleship Assessment. Transformational Discipleship Assessment